Home Resources The European salt sector gathers in Liverpool for the EUsalt Annual conference 2024

The European salt sector gathers in Liverpool for the EUsalt Annual conference 2024

Liverpool, 29th May 2024

From the 27th-30th of May 2024, around 130 salt experts, academia actors and industry leaders from member companies and external participants met in Liverpool (UK) for the EUsalt Annual Events 2024.  

Gathering annually to discuss the industry’s ‎progress and future highlights the importance of EUsalt's Annual Events. In light of the upcoming European Parliament elections, we are even more committed to advocating for the salt industry's interests and priorities in order to create a positive business environment in Europe and ensure the growth, development, and innovation of our producing industry. [...] Seeing over 130 participants today bolsters my optimism for the future and our collective commitment to achieving our shared goals.’, stated Urs Hofmeier, EUsalt President.  

The events were co-hosted by the UK Salt Association who welcomed the participants to the city of Pop music and, later on, to the Winsford Rock Salt Mine and Lions Salt Work Museum. ‘The salt industry in Cheshire significantly contributed to the local economy, providing employment and fostering the development of infrastructure. Towns like Northwich, Middlewich, and Winsford became central hubs for salt extraction and trade, driving economic growth in the region. We are happy to welcome you to Liverpool’, commented Chris Heywood, EUsalt member and Chair of the UK Salt Association. 

On the 29th of May, the EUsalt’s General Assembly was followed by an open conference on various topics of great importance for our sector such as innovative hydrogen storage techniques, biodiversity for sea salt works, and European elections.‎ Speakers from different horizons, including ‎representatives from academia and industry‎, presented their projects and researches all linked to the salt industry and its potential for consumers and producers in different fields.  

Innovation and occupational safety experts, together with EUsalt Board members and conference participants voted to grant: 

The Innovation Award to: Schweizer Salinen (Swiss Salt works) with the project ‘Optimization of the soda-lime process for brine purification’ 

The Safety Award to: Compass Minerals with the project ‘Cardiac Arrest and Interactive Training’ 

Congratulations to the winners and all the contenders.  

A big thank you to the sponsors of this year’s conference and see you next year in Romania!

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